How to Be Your Child's Best College Coach

Learn how to prepare and guide your child into their dream college and launch them into adult life.

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You don't have to pay thousands for a college coach! Let The HomeScholar show you how to ...

  • Find a College That Will Perfectly Fit Your Teen
    Learn how to assess location, fit, affordability, worldview, degree choices and other critical statistics.

  • Gain Admission to Your College of Choice with Great Scholarships
    Understand complex admission policies, application forms, essays, letters of recommendation, records and everything that is required for great scholarships.

  • Prepare Your Teen for College and Career Success
    Teach critical study and social skills as well as prepare them for the rigors of college coursework and the challenges of growing their faith.

  • Learn the Loving Art of Letting Go and Release Your Teen with Joy and Confidence
    Prepare yourself and your teen as you move from your homeschool roles as teacher/student to those of coaching, mentoring, and friendship.

Please join me and learn how to love the launch of your homeschool student into college and life! I can't wait to see you there. 

Alex Letkeman

Presented by


Alex Letkeman

Owner of The HomeScholar

Our mission is helping parents homeschool high school.


I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the great workshop yesterday. It was a great blessing to me. I was feeling a bit intimidated by high school and was planning to find a diploma program, because I just didn't know how to do it on my own. But you have given me such confidence and even excitement about it. I now feel that I can stay true to who we are as a homeschool family, rather than squeezing us into someone else's box.

Your workshop really did lift a huge weight from my shoulders and made me excited! God gave me the words hope and joy for the new year, and that is exactly how I feel about planning for high school now I can't wait to dig into the other resources that I purchased at the end of the workshop. Thank you!" 

~ Johanna in Pennsylvania