Lee Binz https://www.homehighschoolhelp.com

Founder and owner of The HomeScholar LLC

Our mission is helping parents homeschool high school.

Learn how to create professional records that will convince colleges that your student is worthy of admission and the highest possible scholarships.

  • Homeschoolers Can Compete for the Largest College Scholarships!
    No matter how humble your homeschool, you can compete and WIN scholarships over the students coming from the most intense college-prep high schools.

  • Your Homeschool Records are the Key to Opening the Gate to College Admission and Scholarships
    Presenting colleges with professional, thorough, and beautiful homeschool records can give your student a HUGE competitive advantage over the two-dimensional transcript that most applicants provide.

Please join me and learn how to create homeschool records that will open doors of opportunity to your homeschooled teen!

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