How to Choose Homeschool Curriculum That's Effective and Fun!

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Do you have a "Curriculum Hall of Shame"? 

You know what I'm talking about ... some hidden bookshelf chronicling every half-baked idea and ill-conceived plan? My shelves were filled with fashionable failures, multi-volume mismatches, and loathsome lesson plans.

It’s impossible to guarantee each curriculum choice and every dollar you invest will bring a fruitful return, but there are ways to minimize your risks and maximize your chances for success. This class will show you how to avoid the most common traps of choosing crummy curriculum.

What kind of homeschool parent are you?

  • A compulsive curriculum buyer whose shelves are full of unused materials?

  • One who despairs of ever finding the perfect curriculum for your unique student?

  • A fad-follower of the latest and greatest?

No matter what kind of homeschooler you are, you will benefit from some sanity-saving ideas and real-world practical advice for choosing curriculum!

Please join me and learn how to avoid these common blunders with simple to understand and easy to implement strategies.

Alex Letkeman

Presented by


Alex Letkeman

Owner of The HomeScholar

Our mission is helping parents homeschool high school.


May you never tire of hearing thank you. You saved my life!!! You promised me you would see us through high school and you did. Your expert advice never failed me even though I doubted myself daily. Your name was mentioned weekly as we charged ahead through the maze of details that every senior has to face. You’re my Angel, my super hero and my sanity saver.

As a stay home mom, my husband and I did not have the finances to help our son even consider anything but a local college. It was you who prompted us to send an application to the most expensive engineering school in the State. I thought we were out of our minds but did it anyway. Crazy for sure, but it worked. This fall our son will be attending University with full tuition paid for the next four years. It’s still too amazing to comprehend.

When we received the financial package I couldn’t wait to tell my husband that I had just made $200,000.

The day you decided to help parents like me, was the best day of my life. You’re a blessing to our family. How can I thank you enough for your mission to help parents homeschool high school. My daughter thanks you in advance as she prepares for college admission.

~ Tami in WA